Forgot NextMD Password? – NextGen Patient Portal
Forgot NextMD Password? NextMD Patient Portal users must now select five questions and set the answers. If you are an existing user and if you have not yet updated your security questions, you will be prompted to select all five security questions and set your answers.
You must choose a password that is easy to remember but difficult for others to guess. The password must be in between 8 to 200 characters. The password must be a combination of upper or lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
You should not use commonly used passwords such as password or password1. If the password meets the password policy, then the corresponding x marks for each criterion will change to tick mark.
Forgot NextMD Password?
To reset your password, go to NextMD Patient Portal logon page, click Forgot password. On the Forgot password page, type your verified account email address in Email or Username, and click Submit. You will receive an email with a link to reset the password.

You can also reset your password without a verified account email address if:
1: You remember your username and can answer your security questions. On the NextMD Patient Portal logon page, click the Forgot Password link, and type your valid username and answer the security questions.
The system will ask you to answer two security questions that you already set up. You will get three attempts to answer for each of the two security questions. Answering the correct answers will redirect you to the Reset Password page where you must type your new password and re-type the same password, and click Submit to open the NextGen Enterprise Patient Portal home page.
2: You remember your username only. In this case, you must contact your practice to get a reset password token to reset your password.
To reset your password using password reset token, on the NextMD Patient Portal logon page, you must click I have my password reset token and type your username and the token number provided by your practice, and then click Submit.
On the Reset Password page, you must type your new password and re-type the same password. Clicking Submit will redirect you to the NextMD Patient Portal home page.
Frequently Asked Questions
1: How do I retrieve my password? If you have forgotten the password, you can reset the password by entering the user name and answering the forgotten password security question. After answering the security question, you will receive an email with a URL to reset the password. Your practice has the ability to reset the password, you can contact your practice directly if you cannot retrieve your password.
2: How do I reset my password if I do not remember the answer to the password security question? If you do not remember the answer to the password security question you can select I’m having problems signing in and enter your personal information on the Log In page. You will receive an email with a URL to reset the password after you enter the correct details.
3: What should I do if I am having difficulty resetting the password? If you are having difficulty resetting the password, you can request the practice to provide you a password reset link and token. You will receive an email containing the password reset link in your account. You can reset the password using the link and the password reset token. Contact your practice for assistance if you still have difficulty accessing your account.
4: Can I combine my accounts? You must contact your practice to combine your accounts in NextGen Patient Portal. Your practice should authorize NextGen Healthcare to change your account information.